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WELCOME FRIENDS!!!!! Glad you've decided to join on this journey with me. After LOTS of prayer and consideration I decided to establish a "blog", more like devotionals, so that if you ever need encouragement or a little reminder on whose you are and how amazing the God we serve is, you would have a site to come to. This blogs establishment verse is Jeremiah 2:13, ""My people have done two things wrong. They have abandoned me, the fountain of life-giving water. They have also dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that can't hold water." While I was focusing on this verse trying to really dig into the root of it, I found out what I believe God is saying. I believe that it is super easy to become wrapped up in "world Christianity" and how the world says we should spread Christianity. Many of you may believe that is what I'm trying to achieve with this website. If by chance you are thinking that, I'd like to let you know that that is not the case. My goal is to do exactly what this verse is saying to do. This verse is calling the followers and believers of Jesus Christ to pick up our tools and to dig a cistern (well) and fill it with the LIVING WATER. A lifetime supply. Jesus will never run dry. He will never abandon you nor forsake you. I hope this blog will encourage you to THRIVE to be a LIVING CISTERN for Jesus. ENJOY!!!!
- Sydney C.
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